September 24, 2024

Viam Partners with Billion Oyster Project to Support New York Harbor Resiliency and Ecosystem Health

In a new partnership, Viam’s technology powers smart sensors that monitor over 30 million oysters in real-time, ensuring optimal growing conditions before installation in New York Harbor.


Viam, the software platform for smart machines, today announced a partnership with Billion Oyster Project (BOP), the organization restoring oyster reefs to New York Harbor. 

At BOP’s facility on Governors Island, sensors powered by Viam’s technology were installed in four of the tanks where oysters grow and attach to reef structures before being transferred to New York Harbor. The equipment included a smart camera that streamed a live video feed of the setting tanks and temperature sensors that transmitted data remotely to BOP’s team. The data collected enables real-time observation and adjustments to tank conditions, ensuring that conditions are optimized to best facilitate oyster growth, and enables BOP’s team to avoid long hours of challenging and unscalable on-site monitoring, freeing up resources to focus on growing and installing more oysters. 

“Our technology can play a major role in making our cities, waterways and ecosystems healthier and more resilient to the impacts of climate change,” said Eliot Horowitz, Founder and CEO of Viam. “The Billion Oyster Project’s work to restore oyster populations in New York Harbor has an impact on all New Yorkers, and we’re excited to help them optimize oyster growth and ensure thriving ecosystems that can also help protect our city.” 

During the pilot phase of the partnership, over 30 million larval oysters were monitored by Viam’s technology. After setting, the surviving spat were installed at Brooklyn Bridge Park in two phases. Oysters play a crucial role in supporting healthy ecosystems by filtering toxins from the water, creating habitats for marine life, and reducing wave force during storms. At Brooklyn Bridge Park, each oyster is expected to filter up to 50 gallons of water per day by adulthood and provide a breeding ground that will naturally repopulate surrounding areas. This installation not only enhances the local ecosystem but also contributes to the long-term resilience of New York Harbor against storm surges.

“Our partnership with Viam allows us to use technology in innovative ways to support oyster production on Governors Island. The new system saves our team time and allows for remote monitoring of our aquaculture systems, allowing us to produce more oysters to restore reefs in New York Harbor," said Pete Malinowski, Executive Director of the Billion Oyster Project. “This is a powerful example of how technology can help us address not only the complexities of urban harbor restoration but also the broader climate challenges facing New York City.”

In addition to monitoring growing conditions in real-time, the data gathered through the partnership will also allow BOP to evaluate conditions and compare tanks on a historical basis, offering valuable insights for future oyster growing seasons. There’s potential to continue expanding the sensors to pass back data around a wide range of other key indicators, such as salinity or pH levels, and to leverage AI models that can further optimize oyster growth, identify necessary adjustments or detect any issues. Going forward, Viam’s technology will provide the BOP with a deep basis of information that can help ensure oyster survivability.  


Viam is the engineering platform for the real world. We provide a single place for engineers to solve problems together and build solutions that are fast and future-proof. Viam brings AI and automation to businesses across industries, from marine and boating technology, to food and beverage manufacturers and the sports and entertainment world. Founded in 2020 by former MongoDB co-founder and CTO Eliot Horowitz, Viam is headquartered in New York City.


Billion Oyster Project (BOP) is a nonprofit organization on a mission to restore oyster reefs to New York Harbor through public education initiatives. Oyster reefs have the ability to filter water, provide habitat for many marine species, and help shield NYC shorelines from storm damage. Founded on the belief that restoration without education is temporary, and observing that learning outcomes improve when students have the opportunity to work on real restoration projects, collaborating with public schools is fundamental to BOP’s work. BOP designs STEM curriculum through the lens of oyster restoration for NYC schools and engages The Urban Assembly New York Harbor School students in large-scale restoration projects. Prior to COVID-19, BOP collected discarded oyster shells from 75 NYC restaurants and had engaged thousands of volunteers. The project has planted more than 30 million oysters and installed 13 reef sites with 6,000 students and 10,000 volunteers.

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